KONTACT and KONTACT S - AN EXCEPTIONAL DENTAL IMPLANTResult of joint thinking between designers and engineers, the Kontact dental implant range is a collection of innovations in dental implant dentistry. Thanks to its patented connectivity and its varied prosthetic range, it complies with all of your indications.
Orthodontic Solutions
SMILERS® ALIGNERS - A COMPLETELY TRANSPARENT ALIGNMENTThe Smilers® transparent braces system that gently corrects misaligned teeth using very little force.
Digital Dentistry
WOW DENTAL SCANNERThe WOW intra-oral scanner brings you to a multidisciplinary world with no barrier between orthodontics, implantology and prosthetics.
Regenerative Solutions
ATP38® - AN EXCLUSIVE, PAINLESS AND NON-INVASIVE TREATMENTThe ATP38® device is full of technologies associated with the best available techniques using the principle of photobiomodulation.
Digital Orthodontics SoftwareNemoCast is software for Orthodontics that allows to create a complete treatment from the analysis of digital models, diagnosis, treatment digital planning (virtual setup) until the printing of product.
Cephalometric SoftwareNemoCeph software is the most complete Orthodontic tool for diagnosis, treatment planning and case presentation to the patient. This software really becomes into the best tool for cephalometric analysis in your clinic.
NemoFAB | Ortho
Software for orthodontic diagnosisNemoFAB ORTHO is a software focused on orthodontics that allows the analysis and study of digital models, CAT scans and photographs in both 2D and 3D.
Impant Planning SoftwareNemoScan is the solution for diagnosis and treatment planning implantology.
It requires following a few simple steps based on preparation, planning, treatment plan and finally the manufacture of guides, biomodels and surgical guides to be printed on any 3D printer.
NemoSmile Design
Digital Smile Design 3D SoftwareNemoSmile Design is a tool that helps dentists improve communications with their patients, laboratories and with all the professionals involved in the case.